The Energy, Simply Put

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In a very practical sense this Energy has proven to be a restorative, supportive, creativity enhancing, and re-building resource.

I first understood this with my own health and life, and now have come to see this time and again with the people that I work with/treat on a daily basis.

While many people do come for treatments with this Energy because they simply love the blissfully relaxing and rejuvenating experience, and its usefulness as a preventative - keeping them at once young, healthy, attractive, and stress free; it is the people who come to me for treatments for various acute ailments and illness, in which I am gratified to see the most astounding results.

We who work with this Energy do struggle to explain in words what, how and even why this treatment works; or what the Energy is. The best explanation is almost always the experiential one.

Mr. Lee refers to this Energy as “Knowledge encoded in Light” or “Energy with Content”. Meaning that this particular energy is and caries with it something more than just a frequency; it has knowledge above and beyond most human capability, allowing it to go where it is needed to do the most beneficial work and infuses partakers with knowledge.

Very few people have come through my doors and left without some obvious, though inexplicable to them, ‘experience’. There is no touch involved, only a pure energetic experience, which serves to balance, enhance and restore each person’s own energetic body; their own energy force, which many people, even those in the Allopathic Medical fields, have come to acknowledge exists. People such as the renowned Dr. Mehmet Oz while on Oprah said “Just a few years ago, many Western doctors would have written off acupuncture and other alternative medicines . . . Here's the irony-acupuncture has been around for 2,500 years in China. There are a billion people in another part of the world who use these therapies. But let's broaden the discussion, because it's not just about acupuncture,” Dr. Oz says. “The reason I'm so excited and passionate about alternative medicine is . . .[because it is] the globalization of medicine.”

Alternative medicines, Dr. Oz says, deal with the body’s energy-something that traditional Western medicine generally does not. “We're beginning now to understand things that we know in our hearts are true but we could never measure,” he says. “As we get better at understanding how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier . . . in medicine is energy medicine. It's not the mechanistic part of the joints moving. It's not the chemistry of our body. It's understanding for the first time how energy influences how we feel.

If we can at least for this moment, take for granted that we each have an Energy-Body or Force Field if you like, that exists in and around us, and that this Force Field is directly related to and effects our physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being; that this Force Field is also affected by our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being - creating a symbiotic relationship between them.

So we imagine that this Force Field, whether through acupuncture or whatever modality people are becoming aware of, we can restore balance to the overall wellbeing, and restore health; we are starting to grasp the picture.

Now we begin to have an understanding about this force-field and how it can be affected and how it can in turn affect our health and wellness.

I would also like to note, that for various reasons, most people have some leakages or ‘holes’ in their force-field - making it hard to sustain their energy, health, well-being, and happiness.

This Energetic resource - The Light of Life®, balances and reorganizes this force-field, our individual Force Field, as discussed earlier, however in this case this resource also seals off the leaks and holes. And unique to this systems way, this Energy acts as a ‘filling station’ so that not only does it balance, reorganize, and seal leaks; it refills or rebuilds each person’s Vital Life-force Energy from its own infinite supply. So re-filling, restoring, rebalancing and adding to.

Whereas there may be various ways to balance one’s energy, this Energy does that, plus it provides an ongoing support and fuel to have even more Energy than ever before.

All of my clients have made often dramatic physical changes in their appearance - due the restoration and building of their Vital Life-Force and as a result, their health. - Even those clients that started with absolutely no health problems whatsoever. They look healthier, happier, and glowing; this is many times affirmed by the people in their lives and even acquaintances and strangers.

Regina Bernstein


Energetic Phenomena: An Everyday Occurrence