
Ms. Bernstein immerses individuals in The Light of Life® to clear negative emotional imprints, reverse illness, promote physical and emotional healing, eliminate negative habits and emotional blocks, and enhance intuition and creativity.

After the very first treatment, at least 75% of my symptoms were gone. I felt like a fog had been lifted from my head. I felt a total sense of relaxation and well being.

After subsequent treatments, more of my symptoms disappeared. And there have been added perks! Years have been removed from my face. My eyes are brighter. My skin, hair and nails have improved. I have so much more energy! But the best part of all, is the sense of joy and bliss that The Light of Life energy has returned to my life.

- Nancy J.


Treatments have been effective in treating a wide range of physical and emotional conditions including:

  • Stress

  • Cold and Flu

  • Depression

  • Heart Conditions

  • Anxiety

  • Liver Conditions

  • Hormonal Imbalance

  • Menstrual Conditions/PMS

  • ADHD

  • Fibroid Tumors

  • Muscular Injuries

  • Infertility

  • Immune Deficiency Conditions

  • Well Baby

  • High and Low Blood Pressure

  • Menopause

  • Gastrointestinal Conditions

  • Addictive Behaviors


Treatments are known to enhance and improve:

  • Cell and Nerve Regeneration

  • Sexual Ability and Expression

  • Personal and Professional Relationships

  • Mental Clarity and Quietude

  • Rejuvenation, Youthfulness, Beauty, and Longevity

  • Pre- and Post-Operative Support

  • Pregnancies


The Light of Life energetic process is a non-intrusive and blissful treatment that generates profound healing and long-term restoration of energetic balance and harmony.

For more information on what to expect please see our testimonials and our blog!


Experience your own profound and restorative healing with Treatments, Classes, and The Light of Life Activations