Longevity Energetic Classes Firsthand

The Light of Life Longevity Energetic system is a system of exercises that, as incredible as this may seem, have proven to stop and often reverse the aging process. The results I have seen in my students has been not only proof positive, but truly remarkable.

Here are some real-life examples:

  • Students, who’ve been grey for 20 or 30 years, regain their natural hair color.

  • One student who has been bald for 25 years began to see new hair growth.

  • Double vision from a student’s cataract completely disappeared.

  • An 89 year old student who stood bent over at a 90 degree angle, after only 5 classes, was standing erect.

  • A 71 year old student who’s posture has corrected

    • Her hair is going back to black.

    • Pain she experienced for years caused by an old knee injury has completely vanished.

    • She has the skin of a 40 year old; Her Dentist asked her if she had had a face lift!

The Longevity Energetic Exercises, when combined with The Light of Life® Energy Treatments, has had truly profound results.

One student with a heart condition had the following results with weekly The Light of Life Energy Treatments and Longevity Energetic lessons:

  • After one week:

    • They lost 12 lbs.

    • Their severe acne had begun to clear.

    • Their heart palpitations had stopped.

  • After four weeks:

    • They had lost 25 lbs.

    • Their skin looked as though they had been receiving chemical peels.

    • They had no heart disturbances at all.

    • Their large bulging varicose veins were all but gone.

I have been witness to all of these benefits and more, too many to list here. The important thing to note in all of this is the astonishing power and potential of these seemingly simple movements. When we see people’s appearance changing outwardly, it is because great change is taking place first internally, and energetically. We see the reversal of the ravages of age, and for those of us that are lucky enough to come by this resource early enough; before illness, loss of our youthfulness and beauty; we gain the great opportunity to stop the clock before it really begins.

Very few people know about the existence of this system, and most who hear about it are skeptical about the claims we are making. Before Longevity Energetic® this type of thing had never before been available or proven with any other method or means. The Light of Life Energy is the most powerful anti-aging resource in existence.

It is my job to get the word out and expose people to this unique and most powerful system.

The more people practicing, the more people remaining or becoming younger and healthier; the more people the happier, the better, and the more productive a place for all of us. We can show you how pure and natural these movements are, and open the door for those willing to find something new and life altering.

Come for a workshop or class, stay for the transformation.

Let’s even take a before and after 3 months picture, and see if people don’t start to notice the emerging new you.

Regina Bernstein


Understanding The Light of Life® Activations and The Induction of Energy


The Light of Life: What to Expect